Friday, November 21, 2008

Practice what you preach!

I have come up to some delays in the process with the LAFD. I really don't have anything to worry about, but the busyness of the last few weeks have caught up with me and the volume on my frustration seems to have been turned up. I was venting to a friend of mine who is in basically the same position...but has a better chance of being turned down than myself...and is someone who I have attempted to encourage to be patient with what the Lord has planned. As he returned the encouragement...he said "do everything you told me to do." Practice is much harder than preaching...but so much more necessary, especially when coming to being the effective salt and light spoken of in Matthew 5. So even when I'm tired and my frustrations seem to be heavier than usual, I am thankful for the patience God has shown me, and His gentle way of reminding me through a friend and the support of family to practice the faith I "preach".

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