Wednesday, March 19, 2008

6-Hour Call

We had to run a transfer last shift that took us 6 hours. We don't usually run transfers...especially wait and returns...but somehow we got this one. We had to take a 320 something lb patient to an open MRI because he couldn't fit in the hospitals closed MRI. They scheduled the appointment for 1600. We get caught in LA traffic and miss the appointment by 15 minutes, so they tell us we are at the back of the line and have to wait until everyone else goes first. So about 2.5 hours later they finally call us in. We get the guy on the table and they tell us it will take at least 1 hour, maybe more if he moves or something (you have to hold perfectly still for an MRI). So we go upstairs and pack up our stuff so it is out of the way and are on our way out the door to kick it for an hour or so while we wait. Then the tech comes upstairs and tells us that the patient can't hold still so she can't do the test so we have to come get him and take him back to the hospital. While we are working to move him back to our gurney, ,my partner looks at me and goes "Liz, watch your footing." I look down and see that he has just peed all over the floor (and my boot). Fun times. Makes for a good story.

1 comment:

John C. said...

Hooray for 6 hour calls . . . nothing like a patient who can't stay still. Thanks for the amazing notebook, by the way, I love it!