Thursday, August 21, 2008

Not an option...

There are many things in life that are reality. Two of which are fear and failure. Both happen. Both are a part of every day life. How often do we use these as excuses for deciding not to do our best?

Fear is not an option.
Failure is not an option.

Relating to what I am working towards (wearing the turnouts of an LAFD firefighter)...the only way I will leave a drill tower is because they:

1) Have to carry me off due to an injury.
2) I am kicked off.

I will not walk off a drill tower a quitter.

Monday, August 18, 2008

"Let's run more red lights!!!!"

My little sister got to spend almost a month with me this summer. Some of the things we did together this summer, included teaching EMT skills at UCLA...and going on a ride-along at an LACoFD fire station. Here is a pic from that day. Fun fun times!!!

My favorite little sister quotes:

Jenn: "what kind of call is this?"
Kyle (paramedic): "a difficulty breather..."
Jenn: "are we going to put him on high-flow O2?"

Kyle: "this is going to be an auto vs ped."
Jenn: "what does that mean?"
Kyle: "it means that someone who was walking got hit by a car."
Jenn: "Cool!!! Is it going to be an MCI?!!!"

Recruit School 126

Today is kind of a downer day for me. For one thing I am really tired. I am on day 7 of 9 without a day off. I just got off a 24 without much sleep and lots of work. And...worst of would have been the first day of my tower if I had accepted the Firefighter position with the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department. Right now the 126th Recruit school is probably wrapping up their first day of school. I would be thinking about all I have to do tonight to get ready for tomorrow. Shine boots. Pack lunch. Work out. Get some sleep (I probably wouldn't have slept well last night knowing that today is was my first day of academy.)

In the middle of the disappointment that I do not currently have a pair of yellow turnout pants with my last name stenciled on the back...I know I made the best decision to wait and see if I would get picked up by the LAFD. I am more and more motivated to keep working out hard to be in the best shape possible. I am finally up to the point where I am able to do 30 pushups (no, not the girl kind silly.) But the pullups are still killing me. I was told today that I should probably gain some weight. A funny concept in the thin crazy world we live in...but I have been slowly adjusting to the idea for a while...especially since I understand the difference between fat weight and muscle weight.

All that said...LAFD is still my number one choice of departments to work for and I feel priveleged to have made it this far in the process. My background investigator is busy talking with my neighbors and reading reference letters from my family and friends...and I am looking forward to finding out whether or not I get to move on to the next step. In the meantime, I am thankful for the time to work out hard. Harder than before. Every LAFD apparatus I see inspires me. Mostly I try to keep in mind if this is really what I am called to do...I need to put my best effort foward to honor the gift God has given me.